This is a successful school and your child plays their part in making it so. We aim for an environment which enables and encourages all members of the community to reach out for excellence. For our children to gain the greatest benefit from their education it is vital that they attend regularly and your child should be at school, on time, every day that the school is open, unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable.
The Senior Attendance Champion within school is the Headteacher: Mrs. Sarah White
(supported daily by our School Business Manager: Mrs. Fiona Baron)
Parents/carers are required to telephone the school office by 10am on the first day of their child’s absence. The number is 01200 422915. Mrs Baron will try her best to answer the phone but if this isn’t possible, please leave a message on the school answer machine.
Responding to non-attendance:
If a pupil has not attended school, and you have not contacted us to let us know why, we will respond in the following manner:
- Try to make contact with you via the telephone.
- If we cannot contact you on the telephone, visit your home address.
- Mrs Baron will enquire about ALL absences that we have not been notified about.
- If you do not inform school about an absence your child could receive an UNAUTHORISED absence.
- Mrs Baron monitors the attendance of ALL pupils at the school and will contact parents if there are concerns.
Although this is discouraged, the main office has a supply of holiday forms for parents to complete should they wish to take their child out of school during the school term. We will be following Lancashire County Council’s Policies for Leave in Term Time.
A child who has attendance that falls below 90% is classed as Persistently Absent and parents/carers will be encouraged to work with the Headteacher and Local Authority to improve attendance to an acceptable standard.
Our target for the whole school attendance is 97%
Every child has the right to attend school every day. Casual attendance and frequent absence really has a detrimental effect on children’s education and emotional development. At WWB everyone has their part to play in ensuring that all children attend regularly.
We want our school to have the best attendance, so that our children can learn as much as they possibly can.
This is achieved by:
Parent / Carer Responsibilities:
- To ensure their child attends school regularly and on time.
- To inform school preferably between 8:00am and 8.45am on the first day of a child’s absence.
- To keep in contact with the school should there be difficult home circumstances requiring support from the school.
- To not take holidays during term time as these will be unauthorised and a penalty notice may be issued. (Holidays are strictly not allowed in term time)
- To take medical and dentist appointments outside school time if possible.
- To co-operate with the school in our aim to improve attendance.
The School’s Responsibilities:
- Inform parents of their responsibilities for maintaining regular attendance for their child.
- We aim to support any family in difficulties or crisis.
- Refer families requiring support to a family support worker in the Children and Family Wellbeing Service.
We will inform you if your child is regularly late for school and we will request an explanation. Parents/carers will be invited into school to discuss this concern with one of the Senior Leadership Team, in the hope of resolving the problem.